Scripture Verse

Name which is above every name. Philippians 2:9


Words: Ano­ny­mous.

Music: Llan­tho­ny Ab­bey Hymns (🔊 pdf nwc).


Jesus! Je­sus! Je­sus!
Sing aloud the name;
Till it soft­ly, slow­ly,
Sets all hearts aflame.

Jesus! Name of cleans­ing,
Washing all our stains;
Jesus! Name of heal­ing,
Balm for all our pains.

Jesus! Name of bold­ness,
Making cow­ards brave;
Name! that in the bat­tle,
Certainly must save.

Jesus! Name of vic­to­ry,
Stretching far away,
Right across earth’s war-fields,
To the plains of day.

Jesus! Name of beau­ty,
Beauty far too bright
For our earth-born fan­cy,
For our mor­tal sight.

Jesus! be our joy-note
In this vale of tears;
Till we reach the home­land,
And th’eter­nal years.