Scripture Verse

The holy city, new Jerusalem. Revelation 21:2


Words: Chris­ti­na Ros­set­ti, 1882.

Music: Re­demp­tion P. R. Rich­ards, 1881 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Rich­ards’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Christina Rossetti



Jerusalem is built of gold,
Of crys­tal, pearl and gem;
O fair thy lus­ters ma­ni­fold,
Thou fair Je­ru­sa­lem!
Thy ci­ti­zens who walk in white
Have naught to do with day or night,
And drink the riv­er of de­light.

Jerusalem makes me­lo­dy
For sim­ple joy of heart;
An or­gan full of com­pass she
One-tuned through ev­ery part:
While not to day or night be­long
Her ma­tins and her ev­en­song,
The one thanks­giv­ing of her throng.

Jerusalem a gar­den is,
A gar­den of de­light;
Leaf, flow­er, and fruit, make fair her trees
Which see not day or night.
Beside her riv­er clear and calm
The tree of life grows with the palm,
For tri­umph and for food and balm.

Jerusalem, where song nor gem
Nor fruit nor wa­ters cease,
God bring us to Je­ru­sa­lem,
God bring us home in peace:
The strong who stand, the weak who fall,
The first and last, the great and small,
Home one by one, home one and all.