Scripture Verse

Arise…O Jerusalem. Isaiah 52:2


Joseph Proud (1745–1826)

Words: Jo­seph Proud (1745–1826).

Music: From the Chau­ve­net Col­lect­ion (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when this hymn was writ­ten,


Jerusalem, arise,
The heav­en­ly glo­ry view;
The light is come, lift up thine eyes,
All things are now made new.

Now end­ed is the reign
Of er­ror’s gloomy night:
The Sun of hea­ven ap­pears again
And beams ce­les­ti­al light.

Now liv­ing wa­ters flow
To cheer the hum­ble soul:
From sea to sea the ri­vers go,
And bless where’er they roll.

Jesus shall rule alone,
The world shall hear His Word;
By one blest name shall He be known,
The uni­vers­al Lord.