Scripture Verse

I will sing praises unto the Lord. Psalm 27:6


Paul Gerhardt (1607–1676)

Words: Paul Ger­hardt, 1659 (Sollt’ ich mein­em Gott nicht sing­en). Com­po­site trans­la­tion from Ger­man to Eng­lish.

Music: Sollt’ ich mein­em Gott nicht sing­en Jo­han Schop, 1641 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Johan Schop (1590–1664)


I will sing my mak­er’s prais­es
And in Him most joy­ful be,
For in all things I see trac­es
Of His ten­der love to me.
Nothing else than love could move Him
With such sweet and ten­der care
Evermore to raise and bear all
Who try to serve and love Him.
All things else have but their day,
God’s great love abides for aye.

Yea, so dear did He es­teem me
That His Son He loved so well
He hath given to re­deem me
From the quench­less flames of hell.
O Thou spring of bound­less bless­ing,
How could e’er my fee­ble mind
Of Thy depth the bot­tom find
Though my ef­forts were un­ceas­ing?
All things else have but their day,
God’s great love abides for aye.

All that for my soul is need­ful
He with lov­ing care pro­vides,
Nor of that is He un­heed­ful
Which my bo­dy needs be­sides.
When my strength can­not avail me,
When my pow­ers can do no more,
Doth my God His strength out­pour;
In my need He doth not fail me.
All things else have but their day,
God’s great love abides for aye.

When I sleep, He still is near me,
O’er me rests His guard­ian eye;
And new gifts and bless­ings cheer me
When the morn­ing streaks the sky.
Were it not for God’s pro­tect­ion,
Had His coun­te­nance not been
Here my guide, I had not seen e’er
The end of my af­flict­ion.
All things else have but their day,
God’s great love abides for aye.

As a father ne­ver turn­eth
Wholly from a way­ward child,
For the pro­di­gal still yearn­eth,
Longing to be re­con­ciled,
So my ma­ny sins and er­rors
Find a ten­der, par­don­ing God,
Chastening frail­ty with His rod,
Not, in ven­geance, with His ter­rors.
All things else have but their day,
God’s great love abides for aye.

Since, then, nei­ther change nor cold­ness,
In my Fa­ther’s love can be,
Lo! I lift my hands with bold­ness,
As Thy child I come to Thee.
Grant me grace, O God, I pray Thee,
That I may with all my might,
All my life­time, day and night,
Love and trust Thee and ob­ey Thee
And, when this brief life is o’er,
Praise and love Thee ev­er­more.