Scripture Verse

The Lord redeemeth the soul of His servants: and none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate. Psalm 34:22


Henry Hartzler (1840–1920)

Words: Hen­ry B. Hartz­ler, in Spir­it­ual Songs for Gos­pel Meet­ings and the Sun­day School, ed­it­ed by Eli­sha A. Hoff­man & John H. Ten­ney (Cleve­land, Ohio: Sam­uel Bark­er, 1878), page 7.

Music: Te­lan­ga­na Will­iam A. Gal­pin (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Gal­pin (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I will live for my Re­deem­er—
Once He lived on earth for me;
And He lives for me in glo­ry,
Pleased my faith­ful toil to see.


I will trust my dear Re­deem­er;
I will love Him more and more;
I will fol­low till I meet Him
On yon fair, eter­nal shore.

I will walk with my Re­deem­er,
With Him bear and suf­fer pain;
That I may re­ceive the pro­mise:
With Him on His throne to reign.


I will work for my Re­deem­er—
Once He toiled on earth for me;
And for Him in faith­ful la­bor,
Day by day I long to be.
