Scripture Verse

Cast all your care on Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7


Lucy J. R. Meyer (1849–1922)

Words: Ju­lia H. Johns­ton, in Child­ren’s Meet­ings, and How to Con­duct Them, by Lu­cy J. Ri­der & Nel­lie M. Car­man (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Flem­ing H. Re­vell, 1884), pag­es 186–87.

Music: Lub­lin Lu­cy J. R. Mey­er, 1884 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of John­ston,

Julia H. Johnston (1849–1919)


I’ve a dear Sav­ior, rea­dy to list­en,
Bending to hear me from on high;
Even the hum­blest Je­sus will wel­come,
Every low whis­per finds Him nigh.


I will tell Je­sus, I will tell Je­sus,
He is my friend, my Sav­ior, king;
I will tell Je­sus, I will tell Je­sus,
I will tell Je­sus ev­ery­thing.

When I am joy­ous, in the glad sun­shine,
I will tell Him who loves me so;
Surely my Sav­ior wait­eth to hear it,
Every sweet sec­ret He shall know.


When I’m in dan­ger, when I’m in dark­ness,
Tempted to think no help­er near,
Still I’ll run to Him, tell Him the sto­ry,
Ask Him to keep from harm and fear.


Trouble and sor­row drive me to Je­sus,
Whom be­side Him, on earth, have I?
Others may love me, Je­sus can save me,
Jesus will hear me when I cry.


If I am tempt­ed, if I dis­trust Him,
If I for­get and go as­tray,
Still I’ll re­turn and tell it to Je­sus,
Ask Him to keep me ev­ery day.
