Scripture Verse

Be of good comfort, rise; He calleth thee. Mark 10:49


Words: Bar­net T. Yohe, in The Search Light, ed­it­ed by Au­gus­tus F. My­ers (To­le­do, Ohio: Will­ard W. Whit­ney, 1894), num­ber 60.

Music: Rol­lin C. Ward (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Yohe or Ward (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I hear my Sav­ior call­ing me;
I will arise and go;
Why long­er spurn His par­don free?
I will arise and go.
Too long have I re­mained in sin,
But now I’ll let the Sav­ior in.
A friend to me He long has been;
I will arise and go.


I will arise, arise and go,
I will arise, arise and go:
He’ll hear my cry and His blood ap­ply;
I will arise and go.

Yes, unto Him the vil­est may;
I will arise and go;
At Je­sus’ feet His sins all lay;
I will arise and go.
For Je­sus said, Come unto Me,
All who with sin may bur­dened be,
And I will make you whol­ly free
I will arise and go.


Dear Sav­ior, here I bring my­self;
I will arise and go;
Just as I am and no­thing else;
I will arise and go.
Salvation not thro’ what I’ve done,
But on­ly thro’ the Fa­ther’s Son,
The blood of our re­deem­ing One;
I will arise and go.
