Scripture Verse

I will mention the loving-kindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which He hath bestowed on them according to His mercies, and according to the multitude of His loving-kindnesses. Isaiah 63:7


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems (Bris­tol, Eng­land: Fe­lix Far­ley, 1742), pag­es 10–12.

Music: Le­Conte P. W. Hill, in The Gold­en Rule, by So­lo­mon W. Straub (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1872), num­ber 92 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Hill’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


I too will mag­ni­fy the Lord,
And emu­late the an­gels’ lays,
His lov­ing-kind­ness­es re­cord
In sounds of ev­er­last­ing praise.

For all He hath on us be­stowed,
This on­ly tri­bute can I bring,
Extol the mer­cies of my God,
His mul­ti­tude of mer­cies sing.

How good to Is­ra­el’s chos­en race:
Who, who can all His good­ness tell!
So rich in un­ex­haust­ed grace,
His rich­es are un­search­able.

Surely, He said, mine own they are,
My people will not faith­less prove,
My child­ren will not slight my care,
Or dis­ap­point a Fa­ther’s love.

Sweetly He strove their hearts to gain,
He wooed them to em­brace His will,
They ne­ver asked His help in vain,
But found a pre­sent Sav­iour still.

Dear as the ap­ple of His eye
In all their griefs He kind­ly grieved;
The an­gel of His pre­sence nigh
From all the fa­vo­rite na­tion saved.

He res­cued when to ev­il sold,
He snatched them from im­pend­ing harms,
Carried them all the days of old,
Safe in His ev­er­last­ing arms.

He mag­ni­fied His sav­ing pow­er,
Called them His ut­most grace to prove,
With in­fi­nite com­pas­sion bore
The ob­jects of His ten­der­est love.

But Oh! They soon for­sook their God,
The faith­less and re­bel­lious race
In de­vi­ous paths of ev­il trod,
And grieved the Spir­it of His grace.

They vexed; and forced His wrath to rise,
His ven­geance fell so long de­layed:
Constrained the rebels to chas­tise,
He poured His judg­ments on their head.

His mer­cy then He called to mind,
He called to mind the an­cient days
When on­ly mer­ci­ful, and kind
He smiled on the pe­cu­li­ar race.

Where is He now—their God, their guide!
(He taught their hearts the pow­er­ful plea)
Where is He now, their hearts re­plied,
Who brought His peo­ple from the sea?

Who placed a shep­herd o’er the rest,
And gave him wis­dom from above,
And breathed in­to his peace­ful breast
The meek, mild Spir­it of His love.

Them by the hand of Mo­ses led,
His pow­er, and good­ness to pro­claim,
Beyond the bounds of time to spread
Jehovah’s ev­er­last­ing name.

The Lord of hosts in all ap­peared,
He smote the sea with Mo­ses’ rod,
His glo­ri­ous arm aloft He reared.
The part­ing sea con­fessed its God.

He brought them thro’ the won­drous way,
The deep was dry at His com­mand,
Secure they marched in firm ar­ray,
Nor stum­bled, till they reached the land.

Smooth as the ge­ner­ous nur­tured beast,
Into the ver­dant vale goes down,
To bring them to that pro­mised rest,
His Spir­it gent­ly led them on.

Thus didst Thou guide Thy chos­en race,
That ev­ery tongue might speak Thy fame,
And earth and Heav­en con­spire to praise
The God of Is­ra­el’s glo­ri­ous name.