Scripture Verse

Come to Me. Matthew 11:28


Words: Ar­thur L. Tubbs, in The Gos­pel Hymn Book, by Da­ni­el Tow­ner (Day­ton, Ohio: Lo­renz Pub­lish­ing, 1903), num­ber 90.

Music: Nu‘ua­nu Pa­li Da­ni­el B. Tow­ner (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Tubbs (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Daniel Towner (1850–1919)


It is just a step to Je­sus,
Won’t you take it, friend, to­night?
He is wait­ing to re­ceive you,
Won’t you walk into the light?
With a ten­der­ness eter­nal,
That is deep­er than the sea,
He im­plores you and in­vites you,
Saying Come, oh, come to Me.
Brother, do not slight His mer­cy,
’Tis so beau­ti­ful and sweet,
Take the step that leads to Je­sus;
Let sur­ren­der be com­plete.

It is just a step to Je­sus,
If you’ll on­ly take it now;
Breathe a pray­er, for He is list­en­ing,
Whisper si­lent­ly your vow;
Place your hand in His, con­fid­ing;
Let Him lead you where He will;
Thro’ the mea­dows green with ver­dure,
By the wa­ters cool and still;
Or upon the toil­some mount­ain,
Where the path is rough and steep,
He will ev­er walk be­side you,
And your steps from fal­ter­ing keep.

It is just a step to Je­sus; sin­ner,
Won’t you cross the line?
Won’t you let His love so pre­cious
In your life for­ev­er shine?
Tho’ the world has charms al­lur­ing,
They are like the fad­ing leaf,
And at last will fall and wi­ther,
Leaving on­ly pain and grief.
While the joy of serv­ing Je­sus,
If you cast your care on Him,
Is a joy no time can tar­nish,
Nor eter­ni­ty be­dim.

It is just a step to Je­sus;
Do not tar­ry—come to­night;
Put your hand in His, and fol­low
In the bless­èd­ness of light;
With a full and glad sur­ren­der,
Put your trust in Him and say,
Where Thou lead­est me, O Sav­ior,
I will go and ne­ver stray.

Then, re­ly­ing on His pro­mise,
To be with you ev­er­more,
Walk con­fid­ing­ly be­side Him,
Till you reach the shin­ing shore.