Scripture Verse

It is I; be not afraid. Matthew 14:27


Words: D. A. Wood­worth, ar­ranged in Glo­ria Deo, by Sam­uel M. Bix­by (New York: Funk & Wag­nalls, 1901).

Music: S. Fos­ter Ames, 1917 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Wood­worth’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Ames,


Are you weak in faith and doubt­ing?
Doubt no more, be not dis­mayed,
Doubt not Je­sus’ words as­sur­ing,
It is I, be not afraid.


Be not afraid, be not dis­mayed,
It is I, be not afraid.

In your hours of dark fore­bod­ing,
In dis­trust of earth­ly aid,
Hear the gra­cious Lord pro­claim­ing,
It is I, be not afraid.


He who knows our ev­ery weak­ness,
He to ev­ery­one hath said,
Be not faith­less, but be­liev­ing,
It is I, be not afraid.

Do you fear to cross the ri­ver?
There is naught for you to fear,
Jesus calls you, list­en to Him,
I’ll be there to bless and cheer.
