Scripture Verse

There appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. Acts 2:3


Leander L. Pickett (1859–1928)

Words & Mu­sic: Le­an­der L. Pick­ett, 1897 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Have you ev­er felt the pow­er
Of the Pen­te­cost­al fire,
Burning up all car­nal na­ture,
Cleansing out all base de­sire,
Going through and through your spir­it,
Cleansing all its stain away?
Oh, I’m glad, so glad to tell you
It is for us all to­day.


It is for us all to­day
If we trust and tru­ly pray.
Consecrate to Christ your all,
And up­on the Sav­ior call.
Bless God, it is for us all to­day.

Jesus of­fers this blest cleans­ing
Unto all His child­ren dear,
Fully, free­ly pu­ri­fy­ing,
Banishing all doubt and fear.
It will help you, O my bro­ther,
When you sing and when you pray.
He is wait­ing now to give it.
It is for us all to­day.


Some have thought they could not live it
While they dwell on earth be­low,
But in this they were mis­tak­en,
For the Bi­ble tells us so.
And the Spir­it now is with us;
He can keep us all the way.
Then by faith why not re­ceive it?
It is for us all to­day.


You may now re­ceive the Spir­it
As a sanc­ti­fy­ing flame
If with all your heart you seek Him,
Having faith in Je­sus’ name.
On the cross He bought this bless­ing;
He will ne­ver say us nay.
He is wait­ing now to give it,
It is for us all to­day.
