Scripture Verse

A man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. Isaiah 53:3


Frederic H. Hedge (1805–1890)

Words: Fred­er­ic H. Hedge, Hymns for the Church (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Cros­by, Ni­chols & Com­pa­ny, 1853). These words come from a long­er hymn, ’Twas the Day When God’s Anoint­ed.

Music: Chris­ti Mut­ter Gross ca­to­lisch Ge­sang­buch, by Da­vid Ge­org Cor­ner (Nur­em­berg, Ger­ma­ny: first edi­tion, 1625) (🔊 pdf nwc).


It is fin­ished! Man of sor­rows!
From Thy cross our frail­ty bor­rows
Strength to bear and con­quer thus.

While ex­tend­ed there, we view Thee:
Mighty Suf­fer­er, draw us to Thee,
Sufferer vic­tor­ious!

Not in vain for us up­lift­ed:
Man of Sor­rows, won­der gift­ed
May that sac­red em­blem be.

Lifted high amid the ag­es:
Guide of he­roes, saints, and sag­es,
May it guide us still to Thee.

Still to Thee, whose love un­bound­ed
Sorrow’s depth’s for us has sound­ed,
Perfected by con­flicts sore.

Honored be Thy cross for­ev­er:
Star, that points our high en­dea­vor,
Whither Thou hast gone be­fore!

Man of Sorrows with Hands Bound
Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528)