Scripture Verse

You almost persuade me to be a Christian. Acts 26:28


Words: Pe­ter P. Bil­horn, 1909. Ap­peared in his Hymns of Hea­ven­ly Har­mo­ny (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Bil­horn Bro­thers, 1910), num­ber 27. Some hym­nals give the ly­ri­cist as Irene Dur­fee, one of Bil­horn’s pseu­do­nyms.

Music: Pe­ter P. Bil­horn (🔊 pdf nwc). Some hym­nals give the com­pos­er as W. Fer­ris Brit­cher, one of Bil­horn’s pseu­do­nyms.

Peter P. Bilhorn (1865–1936)


Someone is near to the king­dom to­day,
Someone is al­most per­suad­ed to pray;
Someone now longs for the hea­ven­ly way,


Is it you? Is it you? Is it you? Is it you?
Are you will­ing God’s Son to re­ceive?
Is it you? Is it you?
Are you rea­dy just now to be­lieve?

Someone is long­ing for peace thro’ the blood,
Almost de­cid­ed to yield to the Lord;
Someone is moved by the mes­sage of God,


Someone now bur­dened with sin and dis­tressed,
Earnestly longs for sal­va­tion and rest;
Someone thro’ Je­sus just now will be blest,


Someone will spurn the sweet mes­sage of God,
Someone will turn from the Sav­ior and Lord,
Someone to judg­ment will go un­pre­pared.
