Scripture Verse

The great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13


Ada R. Habershon (1861–1918)

Words: Ada R. Ha­ber­shon, 1910.

Music: Ro­bert Hark­ness (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert Harkness (1880–1961)


A Sav­ior who died our sal­va­tion to win,
A Sav­ior who knows how to save us from sin—
Yes, He is the Sav­ior, the Sav­ior we need,
And He is a Sav­ior in­deed!


Is He yours? Is He yours?
Is this Sav­ior, who loves you, yours?

A shep­herd who giv­eth His life for the sheep,
A shep­herd both migh­ty to save and to keep—
Yes, this is the Shep­herd, the Shep­herd we need,
And He is a shep­herd in­deed!


A pi­lot who know­eth the dan­gers at hand,
A pi­lot who bring­eth all ves­sels to land—
Yes, this is the Pi­lot, the Pi­lot we need,
And He is a pi­lot in­deed!


A shel­ter from tem­pest, from wind and from storm,
A shel­ter from judg­ment, a shel­ter from harm—
Yes, this is the Shel­ter, the Shel­ter we need,
And He is a shel­ter in­deed!
