Scripture Verse

I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness. Psalm 17:15


Words: George C. Wells, in The Young Peo­ple’s Cho­ris­ter‎ (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: C. W. Dun­bar, 1860) num­ber 196.

Music: Mat­thew L. Mc­Phail, in Tri­um­phant Songs No. 4, ed­it­ed by Ed­win O. Ex­cell (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: E. O. Ex­cell, 1894), num­ber 72 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Wells (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Matthew L. McPhail (1854–1931)


If I in Thy like­ness, oh Lord, may awake,
And shine a pure im­age of Thee,
Then I shall be sa­tis­fied when I can break
The fet­ters of flesh and be free.


I shall be sa­tis­fied; I shall be sa­tis­fied,
I shall be sa­tis­fied,
When I awake in Thy like­ness.

I know this stained tab­let
Must first be washed white,
To let Thy bright fea­tures be drawn;
I know I must suf­fer the dark­ness of night,
To wel­come the com­ing of dawn.


But I shall be sa­tis­fied when I can cast
The sha­dows of na­ture all by,
When this cold, drea­ry world
From my vi­sion has passed,
To let the soul op­en her eye.


I glad­ly shall feel the blest morn draw­ing near,
When time’s dreamy fan­cy shall fade,
If then in Thy like­ness I may but ap­pear,
And rise in Thy beau­ty ar­rayed.


To see Thee in glo­ry, oh Lord, as Thou art,
From this mor­tal, per­ish­ing clay,
The spir­it im­mor­tal in peace would de­part,
And joy­ous mount up her bright way.


When on Thine im­age, in me Thou hast smiled,
Within Thy blest man­sions, and when
The arms of my Fa­ther en­cir­cle His child,
Oh, I shall be sa­tis­fied then.
