Scripture Verse

Whom have I in Heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides You. Psalm 73:25


Hampton H. Sewell (1875–1938)

Words: Va­ri­ous­ly at­trib­ut­ed to Kate Ul­mer or Kate By­ron, 1907.

Music: Hamp­ton H. Sew­ell (🔊 pdf nwc).


In sin I once had wan­dered,
All wea­ry, sad, and lone,
Till Je­sus through His mer­cy
Adopted me His own.
E’er since I learned to trust Him,
His grace doth make me free,
And now I feel His par­don,
He’s ev­ery­thing to me.


He’s ev­ery­thing to me,
From sin He sets me free,
His peace and love my por­tion
Through all eter­ni­ty!
He’s ev­ery­thing to me,
More than I dreamed could be.
O praise His name for­ev­er!
He’s ev­ery­thing to me.

In sin no more I’ll wand­er;
He’s pi­lot, friend, and guide;
He brings me joy and sing­ing;
His Spir­it doth abide.
A bless­èd, lov­ing Sav­ior,
The Lamb of Cal­va­ry!
He pur­chased my re­demp­tion.
He’s ev­ery­thing to me.


No long­er will I stray from
His ten­der, lov­ing care;
Like Him to be my pur­pose,
My aim, my con­stant pray­er.
And when He bids me wel­come
Throughout eter­ni­ty,
I’ll praise His name for­ev­er.
He’s ev­ery­thing to me.
