Scripture Verse

You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent. John 17:3


Words: Jur­aj Tra­nov­ský, 1637 (Věříme v všem­ohoucího); com­po­site trans­la­tion. The words ec­ho the themes of the Apos­tles’ Creed.

Music: Re­sur­gen­ti Na­za­re­no Bo­he­mi­an tune, 1505 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Juraj Tranovský (1591–1637)


In one true God we all be­lieve,
And to His name all glo­ry give,
Creator of all things is He
In the Heav’n, the earth, the sea.

We all be­lieve in God’s own Son,
Our Lord, the sole be­got­ten One;
And by the Ho­ly Ghost the same
Of a vir­gin man be­came.

By Pon­ti­us Pilate cru­ci­fied,
He suf­fered on the tree and died;
To show of Sa­tan’s reign the end,
He did in­to hell des­cend.

The same Lord Christ of Na­za­reth
Who for all sin­ners tast­ed death
The third day af­ter He had died
Rose with bo­dy glo­ri­fied.

In full ac­cord with God’s own Word
This ho­ly bo­dy of our Lord,
Although in death’s firm grasp it be,
Never would cor­rupt­ion see.

He then as­cend­ed into Heav­en,
Where end­less pow­er to Him was giv­en;
And there for us in all our needs
Graciously He in­ter­cedes.

From thence He’ll come, as once He said
To judge the liv­ing and the dead.
O right­eous Judge, our Sav­ior, come,
Take us to our heav­en­ly home!

We all con­fess the Ho­ly Ghost,
Who guides the Church, a chos­en host,
And binds the saints in pur­est love
Here on earth and there above.

And to this truth we al­so cleave,
That we for­giv­eness do re­ceive,
True peace and joy and com­fort sweet,
Daily from the Pa­ra­clete.

From death our bo­dies shall arise
To end­less life be­yond the skies;
By grace through Je­sus we shall rest
There in Heav­en, for­ev­er blest.