Scripture Verse

[They] put His own raiment on Him, and led Him away to crucify Him. Matthew 27:31


Words: Ed­ward Mon­ro, in A Sup­ple­ment to Hymns Used in the Church of St. John the Ev­an­gel­ist, Leeds (Leeds, Eng­land: E. W. Sharp, 1864).

Music: Sto­ry of the Cross Ar­thur H. Brown (1830–1926) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mon­ro (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Brown,

Arthur Brown (1830–1926)


In His own rai­ment clad,
With His blood dyed;
Women walk sor­row­ing
By His side.
Heavy that cross to Him,
Weary the weight;
One who will help Him waits
At the gate.

See! they are tra­vel­ing
On the same road;
Simon is shar­ing with
Him the load.
O whi­ther wan­der­ing
Bear they that tree?
He who first car­ries it,
Who is He?

Follow to Cal­va­ry;
Tread where He trod,
He who for ev­er was
Son of God.
You who would love Him stand,
Gaze at His face:
Tarry a while on your
Earthy race.

As the swift mo­ments fly,
Fhrough the blest week,
Read the great sto­ry the
Cross will teach.
Is there no beau­ty to
You who pass by,
In that lone fig­ure which
Marks that sky?

On the cross lift­ed
Thy face we scan,
Bearing that cross for us,

Son of Man.
Thorns form Thy dia­dem,
Rough wood Thy throne;
For us Thy blood is shed,
Us alone.

No pil­low un­der Thee
To rest Thy head;
Only the splin­tered cross
Is Thy bed.
Nails pierced Thy hands and feet,
Thy side the spear;
No voice is nigh to say
Help is near.

Shadows of mid­night fall,
Though it is day:
Thy friends and kins­folk
Stand far away.
Loud is Thy bit­ter cry;
Sunk on Thy breast
Hangeth Thy bleed­ing head
Without rest.

Loud scoffs the dy­ing thief,
Who mocks at Thee;
Can it, my Sav­ior, be all for me?
Gazing, afar from Thee,
Silent and lone,
Stand those few weep­ers Thou
Callest Thine own.

I see Thy ti­tle, Lord,
Inscribed above;
Jesus of Na­za­reth, King of Love.
What, O my Sav­ior, here
Didst Thou see,
Which made Thee suf­fer and
Die for me?

“Child of My grief and pain,
Watched by My love;
I came to call thee to
Realms above.
I saw thee wan­der­ing
Far off from Me:
In love I seek for Thee;
Do not flee.

For thee My blood I shed,
For thee alone;
I came to pur­chase thee,
For Mine own.
Weep thou not for My grief,
Child of My love:
Strive to be with Me in
Heaven above.

O I will fol­low Thee,
Star of my soul,
Through the deep shades of
Life to the goal.
Yea, let Thy cross be borne
Each day by me;
Mind not how hea­vy,
If but with Thee.

Lord, if Thou on­ly wilt,
Make us Thine own,
Give no com­pan­ion, save Thee alone.
Grant through each day of life
To stand by Thee;
With Thee, when morn­ing breaks,
Ever to be.