Scripture Verse

Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet. Judges 14:14


Samuel Pearce (1766–1799)

Words: Sam­uel Pearce (1766–1799).

Music: Chi­ca­go Ira D. San­key (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)


In the floods of tri­bu­la­tion,
While the bil­lows o’er me roll;
Jesus whis­pers con­so­la­tion,
And supports my faint­ing soul.
Thus the li­on yields me ho­ney;
From the ea­ter food is giv’n;
Strengthened thus, I still press for­ward,
Singing as I wade to Heav’n:
Sweet af­flict­ion! sweet af­flict­ion,
That brings Je­sus to my soul!

’Mid the gloom, the vi­vid light­nings
With in­creas­èd bright­ness play;
’Mid the thorn brake, beau­te­ous flow­ers
Look more beau­ti­ful and gay;
So in dark­est dis­pen­sa­tions,
Doth my faith­ful Lord ap­pear,
With His rich­est con­so­la­tions,
To re­ani­mate and cheer:
Sweet af­flict­ion! sweet af­flict­ion,
Thus to bring my Sav­ior near.

Floods of tri­bu­la­tion height­en,
Billows still around me roar;
Those who know not Christ—ye fright­en;
But my soul de­fies your pow­er.
In the sac­red page re­cord­ed,
Thus His word se­cure­ly stands—
Fear not, I’m in trou­ble near thee,
Naught shall pluck thee from My hands
Sweet af­flict­ion! sweet af­flict­ion,
That to words so sweet lays claim!

All I meet I find as­sist me
In my path to heav’n­ly joy;
Where, though tri­als now at­tend me,
Trials ne­ver more an­noy;
Wearing there a crown of glo­ry,
Still the path I’ll ne’er for­get;
This shall be my plea­sant sto­ry,
When ar­rived at Je­sus’ seat:
Sweet af­flict­ion! Sweet af­flict­ion
Brought me to my Sav­ior’s feet!