Scripture Verse

The babe lying in a manger. Luke 2:16


Words: Old French car­ol. Trans­la­tor un­known.

Music: Gas­con Carol, ar­ranged by John Stain­er (1840–1901) (🔊 pdf nwc).

John Stainer (1840–1901)


From The Bible Panorama
William A. Foster, 1891

Infant so gen­tle,
So pure and so sweet,
Love from Thy ho­ly eyes
Children doth greet.
Tend’rest words fail all
Thy beau­ty to show,
We must adore Thee
If Thee we would know.

Infant so gen­tle,
So pure and so sweet,
See all the child­ren who
Kneel at Thy feet.
Grant them Thy bless­ing,
O Baby di­vine,
Lead them un­to Thee
And make them all Thine.