Scripture Verse

I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee…all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession. Genesis 17:8


D. Rand Pierce (1869–1947)

Words: D. Rand Pierce, 1894.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick, 1894 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William J. Kirkpatrick


I was once out of Je­sus,
I knocked, He let me in;
He knew that I was hun­gry,
And sick with in­ward sin.
To me He of­fered plen­ty,
I cold­ly turned away;
I thought ’twas all for­give­ness,
O then I could not say—


He saves me, He saves me,
From ev­ery stain of sin;
And now I rest in Ca­naan,
And Je­sus dwells with­in.

But O, the love of Je­sus,
He knew my grief and pain,
And sent a bless­èd an­gel
To turn me back again;
And now I’m feast­ing with Him,
My Sav­ior and my king,
And filled with ho­ly rap­ture,
I love to shout and sing—


How can I tell for Je­sus,
His won­drous love to me,
That saved me from de­struct­ion,
And set my na­ture free;
These lips of mine are hu­man
And can­not half ex­press
His ten­der love and plead­ing,
But glad­ly I con­fess—
