Scripture Verse

Christ [is] risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.1 Corinthians 15:20


Words: Ben­ja­min M. Chase, Har­mo­nies of Praise (New York: Ben­ja­min M. Chase, 1909), num­ber 18.

Music: İs­ken­de­run Ben­ja­min M. Chase, 1909 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Chase (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),



’Tis East­er time, and gen­tle spring
Bursts forth from win­ter’s icy pri­son;
All na­ture smiles and seems to sing,
Rejoice, re­joice, for Christ is ris’n.


I’m sing­ing too, I’m sing­ing too,
A joy­ful, hap­py thank­ful lay;
I’m sing­ing too, I’m sing­ing too,
For Christ arose this East­er day.

Through mea­dows bright with blos­soms gay,
The brook un­fet­tered glides along,
Its rip­pling wa­ters seem to say,
O list­en to my East­er song.


The hap­py birds in ev­ery tree
Break forth in one tri­um­phant chord
And sing in sweet­est melody,
Their prais­es to the ris­en Lord.
