Scripture Verse

A virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14


Words: John C. Proc­tor, in Songs of the Gold­en Shore, ed­it­ed by Da­ni­el Hodg­es (New York and Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Charles T. Dill­ing­ham and Lee & Shep­ard, 1879), page 11.

Music: Da­ni­el F. Hodg­es (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Proc­tor or Hodg­es (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Oh how hap­py are they
In their white robes ar­rayed!
Round the throne of dear Je­sus they stand;
From all na­tions, and kin­dreds,
And peo­ples, and tongues,
They have gone to Im­ma­nu­el’s Land.
A chor­us of praise to Je­sus they raise,
Round the throne in Im­ma­nu­el’s Land.

From the east and the west,
From the north and the south,
From the isles of the sea—a blest band—
Thro’ the dear Fa­ther’s love,
And the dear Sav­ior’s blood,
They are safe in Im­ma­nu­el’s Land.
A chor­us of praise to Je­sus they raise,
Round the throne in Im­ma­nu­el’s Land.

They have gone from temp­ta­tion,
From sor­row and sin,
And for­ev­er in glo­ry they stand;
And their robes they have washed
In the blood of the Lamb,
So are safe in Im­ma­nu­el’s Land.
A chor­us of praise to Je­sus they raise,
Round the throne in Im­ma­nu­el’s Land.

And the beau­ti­ful gates of the Ci­ty of Light,
Will be op­ened by Je­sus’ com­mand,
Unto you and to me, if we give Him our love,
And we’ll en­ter Im­ma­nu­el’s Land.
A chor­us of praise to Je­sus we’ll raise,
Round the throne in Im­ma­nu­el’s Land.