Scripture Verse

How sweet are Thy words unto my taste. Psalm 119:103


Words & Mu­sic: Will­iam T. Giffe, in The Seed Sow­er, ed­it­ed by A. F. My­ers (To­le­do, Ohio: Will­ard W. Whit­ney, 1897) (🔊 pdf nwc).

William T. Giffe (1848–1926)


I’ll not give up the Bi­ble,
That pre­cious book di­vine,
For glo­ry gilds its pag­es,
And truth ad­orns each line.


I’ll ne­ver give up that ho­ly book,
I’ll ne­ver give up the Bi­ble;
I’ll ne­ver give up that ho­ly book,
That pre­cious book di­vine.

Though foes may fight against me,
And ene­mies com­bine,
Its pre­cepts still shall guide me,
As light from Heav’n they shine.


When fate’s wild storms o’er­cloud me,
And loud the bil­lows roar,
My chart shall be the Bi­ble,
To guide to Heav’n’s bright shore.
