Scripture Verse

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20


Wesley Hughes (1852–1932)

Words: Al­phe­us H. Sem­bow­er, 1899.

Music: J. Wes­ley Hughes (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good head & shoul­ders pho­to of Sem­bow­er (at least 200x300),


My anx­ious soul from doubts and fears
May not be al­ways free,
But thro’ life’s dark­est days and years
It is enough for me
To hear my gra­cious mas­ter say,
Fear not, I’ll go with thee!


Go down the way the Mas­ter leads,
Although it dark may be,
For all His pro­mis­es are sure,
And He will go, yes, He will go with thee!

There may be times when clouds o’er­spread
The sky that hangs o’er me;
There may be hours of fear and dread,
Yes, there will sure­ly be;
But cheer­ing words I hear Him speak,
Fear not, I’ll go with thee!


There hangs, perhaps, a sha­dow now
Thro’ which I can­not see,
But in the gath’ring gloom I’ll bow
To Him the sup­pli­ant knee,
And hear His an­swer to my pray­er:
Fear not, I’ll go with thee!


Ah! yes, His pro­mise is my own,
My mas­ter speaks to me:
He bids me trust in Him alone,
And wait His grace to see:
His promise is for­ev­er good,
Fear not, I’ll go with thee!
