Scripture Verse

Blessed be His glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Psalm 72:19


Words: Eli­za­beth Daye (1733–1829).

Music: Bre­men (Hast­ings) Tho­mas Hast­ings, 1836 (🔊 pdf nwc)

Thomas Hastings


I’ll bless Je­ho­vah’s glo­ri­ous name,
Whose good­ness Heav’n and earth pro­claim,
With ev­ery morn­ing light;
And at the close of ev­ery day,
To Him my cheer­ful hom­age pay,
Who guards me through the night.

Then in His church­es to ap­pear,
To pay my hum­ble wor­ship there,
Shall be my sweet em­ploy:
The day that saw my Sav­ior rise,
Shall dawn on my de­light­ed eyes
With pure and ho­ly joy.

With grat­eful sor­row in my breast,
I’ll ce­le­brate the dy­ing feast,
Of my de­par­ting Lord;
And while His per­fect love I view,
His bright ex­am­ple I’ll pur­sue,
And me­di­tate His Word.