Scripture Verse

Those that seek Me early shall find Me. Proverbs 8:17


Matias Orheim (1884–1958)

Words: Ma­ti­as Or­heim, 1900, 1903, 1908 (Eg fann min Gud i ung­doms år). Trans­lat­ed from Nor­we­gi­an to Eng­lish by Tryg­ve A. Bjerkr­heim, April 11, 1959.

Music: Å Herre Je­sus 15th Cen­tu­ry Ger­man (🔊 pdf nwc).

Trygve A. Bjerkrheim (1904–2001)


I found my God in ear­ly years,
He wept away my sins, my tears.
It was my best de­ci­sion.
He filled my life with love and awe,
And I in light God’s King­dom saw,
How won­der­ful a vi­sion!

I found my God, and He found me.
Now all my life my Lord’s shall be,
In hon­or of His glo­ry.
From day to day, my jour­ney long,
I’ll sow my seed and sing my song,
In spite of woe and wor­ry.

In ear­ly years my God I found,
Now for the land of Life I’m bound,
To Hea­ven I will hur­ry.
And shall I sow my seed with tears,
When end­ed are at last my years,
With joy my sheaves I’ll car­ry.