Scripture Verse

A great multitude…clothed with white robes. Revelation 7:9


Words & Mu­sic: Her­bert J. La­cey, 1904 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Lacey (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I am on my way to Hea­ven
Where the saints are robed in white
Shouting glo­ry, shout­ing glo­ry!
To that bless­èd land im­mor­tal
Where can ne­ver come the night,
Shouting glo­ry all the way!


O glo­ry, hallelujah!
I am on the way to Hea­ven,
Shouting glo­ry, shout­ing glo­ry
O glo­ry, hal­le­lujah!
I am on the way to Hea­ven,
Shouting glo­ry, all the way!

I am on my way to Hea­ven
Where the streets are paved with gold,
Shouting glo­ry, shout­ing glo­ry!
To the place of many man­sions
And of glo­ries yet untold,
Shouting glo­ry all the way!


I am on my way to Hea­ven,
Blessèd land of pure de­light,
Shouting glo­ry, shout­ing glo­ry!
Where the blest of ev­ery na­tion
Are for­ev­er clothed in white,
Shouting glo­ry all the way!


I am on my way to Hea­ven
Where I’ll see my Sav­ior’s face
Shouting glo­ry, shout­ing glo­ry!
There I’ll sing re­demp­tion’s story,
Blessèd song of sav­ing grace,
Shouting glo­ry all the way!
