Scripture Verse

They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Isaiah 2:4


Words & Mu­sic: Af­ri­can-Am­eri­can spir­it­ual (🔊 pdf nwc).


Gwine to lay down my bur­den,
Down by the ri­ver­side,
Down by the ri­ver­side,
Down by the ri­ver­side;
Gwine to lay down my bur­den,
Down by the ri­ver­side,
To stu­dy war no more.


I aint gwine stu­dy war no more,
Aint gwine stu­dy war no more,
Aint gwine stu­dy war no more;
Aint gwine stu­dy war no more,
Aint gwine stu­dy war no more,
Aint gwine stu­dy war no more!

Gwine to lay down my sword an’ shiel’,
Down by the ri­ver­side,
Down by the ri­ver­side,
Down by the ri­ver­side;
Gwine to lay down my sword an’ shiel’
Down by the ri­ver­side,
To stu­dy war no more.


Gwine to try on my long white robe,
Down by the ri­ver­side,
Down by the ri­ver­side,
Down by the ri­ver­side;
Gwine to try on my long white robe,
Down by the ri­ver­side,
To stu­dy war no more.


Gwine to try on my star­ry crown,
Down by the ri­ver­side,
Down by the ri­ver­side,
Down by the ri­ver­side;
Gwine to try on my star­ry crown,
Down by the ri­ver­side,
To stu­dy war no more.
