Scripture Verse

How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! Psalm 133:1


Joseph Swain (1761–1796)

Words: Jo­seph Swain, Wal­worth Hymns 1792, page 32. The grace of Chris­tian love.

Music: Mount Cal­va­ry Ro­bert P. Stew­art (1825–1894) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert P. Stewart (1825–1894)


How sweet, how heav’n­ly is the sight,
When those that love the Lord
In one ano­ther’s peace delight,
And so ful­fill His Word.

When each can feel his bro­ther’s sigh
And with him bear a part;
When sor­row flows from eye to eye,
And joy from heart to heart.

When, free from en­vy, scorn, and pride,
Our wish­es all above,
Each can his bro­ther’s fail­ings hide,
And show a bro­ther’s love.

When love, in one de­light­ful stream,
Through ev­ery bo­som flows;
When un­ion sweet, and dear es­teem,
In every act­ion glows.

Love is the gold­en chain that binds
The hap­py souls ab­ove;
And he’s an heir of Heav’n that finds
His bo­som glow with love.