Scripture Verse

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the heights above. Psalm 148:1


Words & Mu­sic: The Book of Psalms, 1831, adapt­ed by Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick, 1899 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


Hallelujah, praise Je­ho­vah,
From the hea­vens praise His name;
Praise Je­ho­vah in the high­est,
All His an­gels, praise pro­claim.
All His hosts, to­ge­ther praise Him,
Sun and moon and stars on high;
Praise Him, O you heav’ns of hea­vens,
And you floods above the sky.


Let them prais­es give Je­ho­vah,
For His name alone is high,
And His glo­ry is ex­alt­ed,
And His glo­ry is ex­alt­ed,
And His glo­ry is ex­alt­ed
Far above the earth and sky.

Let them prais­es give Je­ho­vah,
They were made at His com­mand;
Them for­ev­er He es­tab­lished,
His de­cree shall ev­er stand,
From the earth, O praise Je­ho­vah,
All you seas, you mon­sters all,
Fire and hail and snow and va­pors,
Stormy winds that hear His call.


All you fruit­ful trees and ce­dars,
All you hills and mount­ains high,
Creeping things and beasts and cat­tle,
Birds that in the hea­vens fly,
Kings of earth, and all you pe­ople,
Princes great, earth’s judg­es all;
Praise His name, young men and maid­ens,
Agèd men, and child­ren small.
