To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
Isaiah 53:1
Words & Music: Thoro Harris, 1914 (🔊 pdf nwc).
Jehovah’s arm is now revealed:
How wonderful Jesus is!
For Him hath God the Father sealed
How wonderful Jesus is!
How wonderful Jesus is!
All glory and praise be His!
Heav’n’s fairest One,
God’s matchless Son:
How wonderful Jesus is!
Great sacrifice ordained by God,
How wonderful Jesus is!
Proclaim thru all the earth abroad
How wonderful Jesus is!
The Lion strong of Judah He,
How wonderful Jesus is!
The smitten Lamb of Calvary,
How wonderful Jesus is!
He pleads before the courts of Heav’n,
How wonderful Jesus is!
Thru His atonement peace is giv’n
How wonderful Jesus is!
He bears our sorrows far away,
How wonderful Jesus is!
In His prevailing name we pray:
How wonderful Jesus is!
His deathless love let saints declare,
How wonderful Jesus is!
And speak His glory everywhere:
How wonderful Jesus is!
His perfect praise let angels sing:
How wonderful Jesus is!
And make the bells of Heaven ring:
How wonderful Jesus is!