Scripture Verse

Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. Matthew 21:9


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Based on Is­aac Watts, Hymns and Spi­ri­tu­al Songs, 1709, Book 3, num­ber 42. Pub­lished in Forms and Hymns for Christ­mas (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Hei­del­berg Press, 1906), num­ber 4, at­trib­ut­ed to Tuck­er’s S. S. Hym­nal.

Music: Hen­ry S. Cut­ler (1825–1902) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Henry S. Cutler (1825–1902)


Hosanna to King Da­vid’s son,
Descended from the heav’n­ly throne;
In Christ­mas songs we hail His birth,
Who brought sal­va­tion to the earth.
Hosanna to King Da­vid’s son,
Hosanna to King Da­vid’s son,
Hosanna in the high­est.

Hosanna to the new­born Child,
Of vir­gin mo­ther, meek and mild!
In man­ger cra­dle see Him laid,
By whom the earth and heav’ns were made.
Hosanna to the Won­der­ful!
Hosanna to the Won­der­ful!
Hosanna in the high­est.

Hosanna to th’in­car­nate Word,
In Beth­l’hem born! the migh­ty God!
Our hearts and tongues with joy shall raise
Their glad ho­san­nas to His praise!
Hosanna to the migh­ty God!
Hosanna to the migh­ty God!
Hosanna in the high­est.

With shep­herds on Ju­dea’s plains,
With an­gels in their nob­ler strains;
Let our ho­san­nas joy­ful rise
To join the an­thems of the skies!
Hosanna, ev­er­last­ing Fa­ther!
Hosanna, ev­er­last­ing Fa­ther!
Hosanna in the high­est.

Let ev­ery na­tion, ev­ery voice,
In mer­ry Christ­mas songs re­joice;
Both old and young with glad­ness sing,
That Christ is born to be our king!
Hosanna to the Prince of Peace!
Hosanna to the Prince of Peace!
Hosanna in the high­est.