Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty.
Isaiah 6:3
Words: Susan H. Peterson, 1999, alt. (public domain).
Music: Hyfrydol Rowland H. Prichard, Cyfaill y Cantorion (Llanidloes, Wales: John M. Jones, printer, 1844) (🔊 pdf nwc).
Holy, holy, Lord Almighty,
He who was and is to come.
Glory, honor, thanks are due Him,
He who sits on Heaven’s throne.
Worship Him who lives forever;
Give Him praise and bless His power.
Lord, You are worthy, for You created us;
By Your will, we exist each hour.
Sing new songs: the Lion of Judah,
David’s Root, has won over all.
Though a Lamb, Jesus triumphed—
Worthy He to open God’s scroll.
He was slain, with blood He purchased
Nations, empires, peoples and tongues.
He has made a kingdom of priests,
Serving God on the earth to come.
Join the angels in mighty chorus:
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
let us proclaim!
To receive power, wealth, and wisdom,
Strength and honor,
Every creature in Heav’n, on earth and
In the sea, sing now again:
To our great God and to the Lamb
Praise and glory, fore’er. Amen!