Scripture Verse

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty. Isaiah 6:3


Susan Peterson

Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1999, alt. (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Hy­fry­dol Row­land H. Pri­chard, Cy­faill y Can­to­ri­on (Llan­id­loes, Wales: John M. Jones, print­er, 1844) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Rowland H. Prichard


Holy, holy, Lord Al­mig­hty,
He who was and is to come.
Glory, hon­or, thanks are due Him,
He who sits on Heav­en’s throne.
Worship Him who lives for­ev­er;
Give Him praise and bless His pow­er.
Lord, You are wor­thy, for You cre­at­ed us;
By Your will, we ex­ist each hour.

Sing new songs: the Li­on of Ju­dah,
David’s Root, has won ov­er all.
Though a Lamb, Je­sus tri­umphed—
Worthy He to op­en God’s scroll.
He was slain, with blood He pur­chased
Nations, em­pires, peo­ples and tongues.
He has made a king­dom of priests,
Serving God on the earth to come.

Join the an­gels in migh­ty chorus:
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
To re­ceive pow­er, wealth, and wis­dom,
Strength and hon­or,
let us pro­claim!
Every crea­ture in Heav’n, on earth and
In the sea, sing now again:
To our great God and to the Lamb
Praise and glo­ry, for­e’er. Amen!