Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty.
Isaiah 6:3
Words: Percy W. MacKaye, 1920.
Music: Trinity (Wesley) Samuel S. Wesley (1810–1876) (🔊 pdf nwc).
Holy, holy, holy, Lord, Thy disciples
Gather in devotion to sing and dream of Thee:
Holy, holy, holy, beautiful and gracious,
Still in our hearts we dwell in Galilee.
Holy, holy, holy, still in the morning
Mending our fisher nets, we hail Thee by the shore;
Friend and guide and brother, by the wells of evening,
Deep from Thy voice we drink Thy healing lore.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord, Thy disciples
Ever through the ages live again because of Thee;
Holy, holy, holy, all Thy ways we follow,
From Bethlehem to dark Gethsemane.