Scripture Verse

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Psalm 19:1


Valdimar Briem (1848–1930)

Words: Val­di­mar Briem, 1886 (Hve dry­ale­gur er Drot­tinn). Trans­lat­ed from Ice­lan­dic to Eng­lish by Charles V. Pilcher (1879–1961).

Music: Blom­ster­tid Swed­ish Ko­ral­bok, 1697 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles V. Pilcher (1879–1960)


How mar­vel­ous God’s great­ness,
How glo­ri­ous His might!
To this the world bears wit­ness
In won­ders day and night.
In form of flow­er and snow­flake,
In morn’s re­splen­dent birth,
In af­ter­glow at ev­en,
In sky and sea and earth.

Each ti­ny flow­er­et whis­pers
The great life-gi­ver’s name;
The migh­ty mount­ain mass­es
His ma­jes­ty pro­claim;
The hol­low vales are hymn­ing
God’s shel­ter for His own;
The snow-capped peaks are point­ing
To God’s al­migh­ty throne.

The ocean’s vast abys­ses
In one grand psalm re­cord
The deep mys­te­ri­ous coun­sels
And mer­cies of the Lord;
The icy waves of win­ter
Tre thun­der­ing on the strand,
E’en grief’s chill stream is guid­ed
By God’s all-gra­cious hand.

The star­ry hosts are sing­ing
Through all the light-strewn sky
Of God’s ma­jes­tic temple
And pa­lace courts on high;
When in these out­er cha­mbers
Such glo­ry gilds the night,
What the tran­scen­dent bright­ness
Of God’s eter­nal light!