Scripture Verse

The Lord will hasten it in His time. Isaiah 60:22


Harriet Auber (1773–1862)

Words: Har­ri­et Au­ber, Spir­it of the Psalms 1829.

Music: El­tham Low­ell Ma­son, 1840 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Hasten, Lord, the glo­ri­ous time
When, be­neath Messiah’s sway,
Every na­tion, ev­ery clime,
Shall the Gos­pel call ob­ey.
Mightiest kings His pow­er shall own,
Heathen tribes His name adore;
Satan and his host o’er­thrown,
Bound in chains, shall hurt no more.

As when soft and gen­tle show­ers
Fall upon the thirs­ty plain,
Springing grass and bloom­ing flow­ers,
Clothe the wil­der­ness again;
So Thy Spir­it shall des­cend,
Softening ev­ery sto­ny heart,
And its sweet­est in­flu­ence lend,
All that’s love­ly to impart.

Then shall wars and tu­mults cease,
Then be ban­ished grief and pain,
Righteousness and joy and peace,
Undisturbed shall ever reign.
Bless we, then, our gra­cious Lord,
Ever praise His glo­ri­ous name;
All His migh­ty acts re­cord;
All His won­drous love pro­claim.

This hymn was orig­in­al­ly writ­ten in 4-line verses. With a tune of a dif­fer­ent meter, the omit­ted verse 6 can be used, as well:

Time shall sun and moon ob­scure,
Seas be dried, and rocks be riv’n.
But His reign shall still en­dure,
Endless as the days of Heav’n.