Scripture Verse

Christ died for us. Romans 5:8


Homer A. Hammontree (1884–1965)

Words: Un­known au­thor. Ar­ranged by J. M. G. (James M. Gray?).

Music: Ho­mer A. Ham­mon­tree, 1921 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the au­thor, or have a bet­ter pho­to of Ham­mon­tree,


Shall I tell you what brought me to Je­sus,
What caused me to seek His bless­èd face?
It was this, that, to save and to cleanse me,
He just put Him­self in my place.


He just put Him­self in my place,
He just put Him­self in my place;
This is the Gos­pel sto­ry,
To Je­sus the glo­ry,
He just put Him­self in my place.

O, He felt all my load in the gar­den,
My guilt He did car­ry on the tree;
I was lost, and con­demned un­to judg­ment,
But my Lord Him­self died for me.


Soon He’s com­ing again from the glo­ry,
The pro­phets of God on this agree;
And till then this to oth­ers I’m tell­ing,
That for them He died as for me.
