Scripture Verse

The blood of Jesus Christ…cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7


Words: Ro­bert E. Win­sett, Pen­te­cost­al Pow­er, Com­plete (Fort Smith, Ar­kan­sas & Chat­ta­noo­ga, Ten­nes­see: R. E. Win­sett, 1912), num­ber 239. The book states Win­sett wrote verses 4–6, but does not ident­ify the au­thor of vers­es 1–3. Other song books sug­gest the anon­ymous ly­ri­cist may have been Hamp­ton H. Sewell (1875–1938).

Music: “As sung by the St. Lou­is As­sem­bly” (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the com­pos­er, or the au­thor of vers­es 1–3,

Robert E. Winsett


Come from the loath­some way of sin,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus;
Come, for the Lord will take you in,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus.


O hide you in the blood,
For the storms are rag­ing high,
O hide you in the blood,
Till the dan­gers pass you by.

Come to the shel­ter’s safe re­treat,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus;
Come, for the storms around you beat,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus.


Come, for your sins the Lord has bled,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus;
Come, tho’ they be like crim­son red,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus.


Come to the Lord, He’s call­ing thee,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus;
Come, let His Spir­it set you free,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus.


Come, there is safe­ty in the blood,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus;
Now plunge be­neath the crim­son flood,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus.


Come, now be­liev­ing in the Lord,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus;
Trusting His grace and pre­cious Word,
Hide you in the blood of Je­sus.
