Scripture Verse

The peace of God, which passeth all understanding. Philippians 4:7


Words: John S. Brown, 1899.

Music: L. O. Brown (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know L. O. Brown’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or John Brown,


I can­not tell thee whence it came,
This peace with­in my breast;
But this I know, there fills my soul
A strange and tran­quil rest.


There’s a deep, set­tled peace in my soul,
There’s a deep, set­tled peace in my soul,
Tho’ the bil­lows of sin near me roll,
He abides, Christ abides.

Beneath the toil and care of life,
This hid­den stream flows on;
My wea­ry soul no long­er thirsts,
Nor am I sad and lone.


I can­not tell the half of love,
Unfeigned, su­preme, di­vine,
That caused my dark­est in­most self
With beams of hope to shine.


I can­not tell thee why He chose
To suf­fer and to die,
But if I suf­fer here with Him
I’ll reign with Him on high.
