Scripture Verse

The light of the righteous rejoiceth. Proverbs 13:9


Words: Ed­win P. Park­er, in The Chris­tian Hym­nal, 1889.

Music: Lugn Vil­ar Sjön Hein­rich Pfeil (1835–1899) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pfeil (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Edwin P. Parker (1836–1920)


Hail, ho­ly light! The world re­joic­es
As morn­ing breaks and sha­dows fly;
All na­ture blends her my­ri­ad voic­es
To greet the day­spring from on high,
To greet the day­spring from on high.

Break forth, in glo­ry far ex­cell­ing,
O light eter­nal, love di­vine!
Let Thy bright beams, all shades dis­pell­ing,
Around us and with­in us shine,
Around us and with­in us shine.

The heav’n­ly hosts fall down be­fore Thee,
And Holy! cry, nor ev­er rest;
The saints on earth, with them, adore Thee,
Creator, Sav­ior, Spir­it blest,
Creator, Sav­ior, Spir­it blest.

O God, if we could du­ly praise Thee,
Could we but voice the love we see,
As sweet as song as an­gels raise Thee,
Our Sab­bath morn­ing hymn should be,
Our Sab­bath morn­ing hymn should be.

Accept, O Fa­ther, we en­treat Thee,
The wor­ship which Thy child­ren bring;
O, grant us grace in Heav’n to greet Thee,
And with all saints Thy love to sing,
And with all saints Thy love to sing.