Scripture Verse

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty. Isaiah 6:3


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns on the Tri­ni­ty 1767.

Music: Be­ne­ven­to ar­ranged from Sam­uel Webbe, Sr., 1792 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Samuel Webbe, Sr. (1740–1816)


Holy, holy, holy, Lord,
God the Fa­ther, and the Word,
God the Com­fort­er, re­ceive
Blessings more than we can give!
Mixed with those be­yond the sky,
Chanters to the Lord Most High,
We our hearts and voic­es raise,
Echoing Thy eter­nal praise.

One, in­ex­pli­ca­bly Three,
Three, in simp­lest Uni­ty,
God, in­cline Thy gra­cious ear,
Us, Thy lisp­ing crea­tures, hear!
Thee while man, the earth-born, sings,
Angels shrink with­in their wings;
Prostrate se­ra­phim above
Breathe un­ut­ter­able love.

Happy they who ne­ver rest,
With Thy hea­ven­ly pre­sence blest!
They the heights of glo­ry see,
Sound the depths of De­ity.
Fain with them our souls would vie,
Sink as low, and mount as high;
Fall o’er­whelmed with love, or soar,
Shout, or si­lent­ly adore.