Scripture Verse

He giveth more grace. James 4:6


Annie J. Flint (1866–1932)

Words: An­nie J. Flint (1866–1932). Tay­lor, page 59, re­ports this song was print­ed at Or­chard Park, New York, in the Cas­ter­line Card series, num­ber 5510 (date not giv­en).

Music: Black­lands Ray Stead­man-Allen (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Ray Steadman-Allen (1922–2014)


He giv­eth more grace as our bur­dens grow great­er,
He send­eth more strength as our la­bors in­crease;
To add­ed af­flict­ions He add­eth His mer­cy,
To mul­ti­plied tri­als His mul­ti­plied peace.

When we have ex­haust­ed our store of en­dur­ance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoard­ed re­sourc­es
Our Fa­ther’s full giv­ing is on­ly begun.

His love has no lim­its, His grace has no mea­sure,
His pow­er no boun­da­ry known un­to men;
For out of His in­fi­nite rich­es in Je­sus
He giv­eth, and giv­eth, and giv­eth again.