Scripture Verse

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20


Words Ar­thur A. Ja­me­son & Hal­dor Lil­le­nas, in New Songs of the Old Faith: Num­ber Two, com­piled by Ken­neth H. Wells et al. (Kan­sas Ci­ty, Mis­sou­ri: Lil­le­nas Pub­lish­ing, 1927), num­ber 45.

Mu­sic: Ar­thur A. Ja­me­son (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ja­me­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Haldor Lillenas (1885–1959)


If there’s trou­ble any­where,
And your soul is near des­pair,
Just trust in the Sav­ior and be true;
His com­pas­sion nev­er doubt,
He will al­ways help you out,
For He will car­ry you thro’.


He will car­ry you thro’,
He will car­ry you thro’;
Just trust in the Savior and be true;
And when tri­als you re­ceive,
Trust in God and still be­lieve
That He will car­ry you thro’.

Are your bur­dens hard to bear?
Are you weight­ed down with care?
Just trust in the Sav­ior and be true;
If you think you can­not stand,
Let Him lead you by the hand,
And He will car­ry you thro’.


In temp­ta­tion’s try­ing hour
You will need His keep­ing pow’r,
Just trust in the Sav­ior and be true;
Tho’ the sha­dows ’round you fall,
He’ll be with you thro’ it all,
And He will car­ry you thro’.


When you reach the swell­ing tide
Of death’s riv­er deep and wide,
Just trust in the Sav­ior and be true;
He will not for­sake your soul,
Tho’ the chil­ly waves may roll,
For He will car­ry you thro’.

He will car­ry me thro’,
He will car­ry me thro’,
I’ll trust in the Sav­ior and be true;
And when tri­als I re­ceive,
I will trust and still be­lieve
That He will car­ry me thro’.