Scripture Verse

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1


Words: Scot­tish Psal­ter and Pa­ra­phrases, 1800, alt.

Music: Dun­dee Scot­tish Psal­ter, 1615 (🔊 pdf nwc).


He that doth in the sec­ret place
Of the most High re­side,
Under the shade of Him that is
Th’Almighty shall abide.

I of the Lord my God will say,
He is my re­fuge still,
He is my fort­ress, and my God,
And in Him trust I will.

Assuredly He shall thee save,
And give de­liv­er­ance
From sub­tle fowl­er’s snare, and from
The nois­ome pes­ti­lence.

His fea­thers shall thee hide; thy trust
Under His wings shall be:
His faith­ful­ness shall be a shield
And buck­ler un­to thee.

Thou shalt not need to be afraid
For ter­rors of the night;
Nor for the ar­row that doth fly
By day, while it is light;

Nor for the pes­ti­lence, that walks
In dark­ness sec­ret­ly;
Nor for de­struct­ion, that doth waste
At noon-day op­enly.

A thou­sand at thy side shall fall,
On thy right hand shall lie
Ten thou­sand dead; yet un­to thee
It shall not once come nigh.

Only thou with thine eyes shalt look,
And a be­hold­er be;
And thou there­in the just re­ward
Of wick­ed men shalt see.

Because the Lord, who con­stant­ly
My re­fuge is alone,
Ev’n the most High, is made by thee
Thy strong­hold and thy home.

No plague shall near thy dwell­ing come;
No ill shall thee be­fall:
For thee to keep in all thy ways
His an­gels charge He shall.

They in their hands shall bear thee up,
Still wait­ing thee up­on;
Lest thou at any time should’st dash
Thy foot against a stone.

Upon the ad­der thou shalt tread,
And on the li­on strong;
Thy feet on dra­gons tram­ple shall,
And on the li­ons’ young.

“Because on Me he set His love,
I’ll save and set him free;
Because My great name he hath known,
I will him set on high.

“He’ll call on Me, I’ll an­swer him;
I will be with him still
In trou­ble, to de­li­ver him,
And hon­or him I will.

With length of days un­to his mind
I will him sa­tis­fy;
And I My great sal­va­tion will
Then cause his eyes to see.