Scripture Verse

Follow Me. Matthew 4:19


Words: Ma­ry Gil­bert Wray, 1896. Ap­peared in The Gold­en Sheaf (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ad­vent Chris­tian Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­ety, 1902), num­ber 124.

Music: D. C. Wright (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Wright’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Gil­bert Wray,


Not al­ways in the pas­tures green,
Where flow’rs and qui­et streams are seen,
He lead­eth me.
Ah, no! Some­times His lov­ing hand
Leads where I can­not un­der­stand,
Where sha­dows be.


Where Je­sus leads ’tis safe to go,
Tho’ storm clouds low­er and tem­pests blow;
I can­not fear, since this I know,
He lead­eth me.

Not al­ways in the sun­shine sweet;
Sometimes where loud the tem­pests beat,
He lead­eth me.
Yet by my side in love He stands,
And cheers my heart and holds my hands
So gra­cious­ly!


What mat­ter if the way be drear?
If Sa­tan tempt my heart to fear?
To Him I flee.
I ask not why He leads me so,
For me it is enough to know
He lead­eth me.
