Scripture Verse

Who do you say I am? Luke 9:20


Words: Charles F. Bar­rett, 1907.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bar­rett (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


When the world no long­er charms you,
And your soul for safe­ty yearns,
When the tears have wet your pil­low,
And your heart to Je­sus turns,
Do you know the Sav­ior’s wait­ing,
Asking that your will may bow?
He is wait­ing for your an­swer,
Give, O give it to Him now!


He is wait­ing for your an­swer,
He is wait­ing for your an­swer,
Give it ere it is too late,
Do not let Him long­er wait;
He is wait­ing for your an­swer,
He is wait­ing for your an­swer,
He is wait­ing for your an­swer,
Give, O give it to Him now!

Had you list­ened ere sin bound you,
Easier far it would have been;
Chains of ap­pe­tite or ha­bit
Could not now the vic­to­ry win;
Still today He of­fers par­don,
Thro’ His blood’s life giv­ing flow;
He is wait­ing for your an­swer,
Give, O give it to Him now!


Give the an­swer while He lin­gers,
While His Spir­it pleads with you;
Let it be, I now sur­ren­der
All to Thee, Thy will to do!

Leaving all of sin be­hind thee,
Catch a glimpse of Heav’n be­low;
He is wait­ing for your an­swer,
Give, O give it to Him now!
