Scripture Verse

Whosoever will, let him take the free gift of the water of life. Revelation 22:17


Hampton H. Sewell (1875–1938)

Words: John­son Oat­man, Jr., 1909.

Music: Hamp­ton H. Sew­ell (🔊 pdf nwc).

Johnson Oatman, Jr.


I am so hap­py in Christ to­day,
That I go sing­ing along my way;
Yes, I’m so hap­py to know and say,
Jesus in­clud­ed me, too.


Jesus in­clud­ed me, yes, He in­clud­ed me,
When the Lord said, Who­so­ev­er, He in­clud­ed me;
Jesus in­clud­ed me, yes, He in­clud­ed me,
When the Lord said, Who­so­ev­er, He in­clud­ed me.

Gladly I read, Who­so­ev­er may
Come to the fount­ain of life today
But when I read it I al­ways say,
Jesus in­clud­ed me, too.


Ever God’s Spir­it is say­ing, Come!
Hear the Bride say­ing, No long­er roam;
But I am sure while they’re call­ing home,
Jesus in­clud­ed me, too.


Freely come drink, words the soul to thrill!
O with what joy they my heart do fill!
For when He said, Who­so­ev­er will,
Jesus in­clud­ed me, too.
