Scripture Verse

The Son of Man came…to give His life a ransom for many. Mark 10:45


Melville W. Miller (1856–1933)

Words: Mel­ville W. Mill­er, 1905.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Mill­er,


The Son of God was cru­ci­fied,
Upon the cross the Sav­ior died;
On Cal­va­ry His life He gave,
That He thy pre­cious soul might save.


He died for thee, He died for thee,
Upon the cross He died for thee;
O come to Him, O come to­day,
Let Je­sus bear thy sins away.

He gave His life to res­cue thee,
And He would now thy Sav­ior be;
Give Him thy heart, and thou shalt know
The joy of Hea­ven here be­low.


Yes, come to Him who died for thee,
And let Him now thy Sav­ior be;
Receive Him now, and thou shalt find
The chains of sin no long­er bind.


He died for thee! O shall it be,
He came and died in vain for thee?
Nay, ra­ther, come to Him to­day
And let Him wash thy sins away.


Giovanni B. Gaulli (1639–1709)