Scripture Verse

…wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Luke 2:12


Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words: Ada J. Blenk­horn, 1914.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ada J. Blenkhorn (1858–1927)


No warm downy pil­low His sweet head pressed,
No soft silk­en gar­ments His fair form dressed;
He lay in a man­ger, this heav­en­ly Strang­er,
The pre­cious Lord Je­sus, the won­der­ful Child.


Thou heav­en­ly Stran­ger, so gen­tle and mild,
Tho’ born in a man­ger, the Fa­ther’s own child;
We’ll wor­ship be­fore Thee,
And praise and adore Thee,
And sing the glad sto­ry again and again.

No ju­bi­lant clang of re­joic­ing bell
The glo­ri­ous news to the world did tell;
But an­gels from glo­ry sang sweet­ly the sto­ry
Of Beth­le­hem’s Stran­ger, the Sav­ior of men.


All hail to Thee, Je­sus, Thou Ho­ly One!
All hail to Thee, Je­sus! Je­ho­vah’s Son;
While an­gels adore Thee,
We’ll wor­ship be­fore Thee,
Our bless­èd Mes­si­ah, our Sav­ior and King.
